Our Premium session is the top level of service that we provide. If you want the best experience including regular body composition tracking and a neck, shoulder and back massage to end each session, then this is the one for you!
Have you lost motivation trying to get there yourself? Struggled with ineffective or time wasting programs at your local gym?
What Lana realises now about exercise would have saved her money, time and kept her injury-free.
When I’m not running around with my 2 kids you’ll find me on a footy field, SCUBA diving, snowboarding, biking down a mountain, or a hundred other activities!
Financing the very first studio in Advene Rd, Cockle Bay proved challenging, until discussions with the landlord led to a joint venture creating a 30m2 home gym in the separate garage building.
busy body personal training
19 Markham Place, Bucklands Beach
Auckland, New Zealand
021 287 9489
Opening Hours
Mon – Fri: 7am – 7pm
Weekends: 9am – 2pm